

The amazing evolution of the olympic torches design

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ATHLETES: 1.737 (522 W – 1.215 M)



KM: 6.000 (Greece, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway)

LAST TORCHBEARER: his Royal Highness, Crown Prince Haakon

The torch of the XVII Winter Olympic Games is extremely thin and, measuring 153 cm, is the longest of all. It has been reproduced in 17 copies. It is made of steel, copper and classic Norwegian wood coming from the Telemark region. During the travel, the Olympic Torch passed through the hands of two parachutists in flight and made a spectacular entrance in the Olympic Stadium when the brazier was lit by a ski jumper in flight. Manuela Di Centa: 5 medals, of which 2 golds. Famous is the change of schedule of the Olympic four-year period: in fact, these Games were organized only two years after the Albertville Winter Games. The official explanation was to lighten and split the work of the International Olympic Committee in order to organize an Olympic event every two years. Gossipmongers said that the main sponsor of the Games, Coca Cola, wanted to celebrate the centenary of the Games (1896-1996) in Atlanta without Winter Games in the same year. American Bonnie Blair made history by becoming the first woman to win three consecutive speed-skating titles in the 500m and to win a second 500m/1000m double. The composition of the Bosnia and Herzegovina four-man bob team was: one Croatian, two Bosnians and a Serbian - the best possible example of the Olympic spirit at the worst of times. Gold triplet (gold, silver and bronze) for Olor Koss and Vreni Schneider. The Games were officially opened by His Majesty King Harald.