

Why this notice

The information is provided only for the site (hereinafter referred to simply as "site") and not for other websites that the user may consult through links on the site. The information is also based on Recommendation no. 2/2001 of 17 May 2001, Opinion no. 04/2012 on Cookie Consent Exemption of 7 June 2012 and Working Document 02/2013 providing guidance on obtaining consent for cookies of 2 October 2013 that the European authorities for the protection of personal data, gathered in the Group set up pursuant to Article. Directive 95/46/EC, have adopted to identify some minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online, and, in particular, the methods, times and nature of the information that data controllers must provide to users when they connect to web pages, regardless of the purpose of the connection.

Data controller

Following visiting this site, data relating to identified or identifiable natural persons (so-called interested parties) may be processed.

The controller of their processing is Azienda di Promozione e Sviluppo Turistico srl with registered office in via Saroch 1098/a c/o Plaza Placheda I-23041 Livigno (So) - Italy, P.IVA 92015260141 , in the person of its legal representative

Method and purpose of processing

The processing of data will be carried out in accordance with the rules in force and the principles of fairness, lawfulness, transparency, relevance, completeness and non excess of information, and the above data will be collected and recorded only for the purposes indicated below and kept for a period strictly necessary for the purposes themselves.

The processing may consist in the collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, communication by transmission, dissemination or any other form available, limitation, cancellation or destruction of data and will be carried out with the help of electronic means suitable to ensure the integrity and confidentiality of the data.

The subjects or categories of subjects who, within the scope of the purposes illustrated below, may become aware of the data or to whom they may be communicated are, as involved in the organization of the site, the internal staff (administrative) and also external subjects (third party technical service providers, hosting providers, computer companies, couriers) also appointed, if necessary, as Data Processors by the Data Controller.

The data may also be communicated to Public Bodies, Police Forces or other Public and Private Subjects, but only for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations, regulations or EU regulations.

Unless otherwise provided through other pages of the site and for which specific information applies, the data collected through the website are processed for the following purposes:

  • a. to carry out the provision of the services requested by users and the processing of requests for information from users;
  • b. provide user support;
  • c. carry out statistical analyses (on an anonymous basis) in order to improve the services offered;
  • d. for possible registration and management of access to the site;
  • e. comply with the legal obligations consequent to the aforesaid purposes.
  • f. detection of the index of satisfaction of users (anonymously).

The data may be disclosed, but only in aggregate, anonymous and for statistical purposes.

If the treatment should also involve personal data that fall within the category of "sensitive" data (i.e. data revealing racial and ethnic origin, religious, philosophical or other beliefs, political opinions, membership of parties, trade unions, associations or organizations of a religious, philosophical, political or trade union, as well as personal data disclosing health, life and sexual orientation) or "judicial" (data relating to criminal convictions and crimes) the processing will be carried out within the limits indicated by the General Authorisations of the Guarantor and by subsequent equivalent measures, in the manner provided for by EU Regulation 679/2016 and for the purposes strictly necessary to carry on the relevant activities, the operations relating to the provision of products/services and the fulfilment of contractual and/or legal/regulatory obligations.

Users are invited to avoid the input of unnecessary sensitive and judicial data as this could lead to the destruction of the message.

The processing connected to the web service ("contacts") of this site takes place at the aforementioned office and are handled only by the owner. The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, and any other personal data included in the message.

Apart from that specified below for navigation data, the user is free to provide personal data included in any information request forms. Failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain the information requested.

Personal data are processed with automated tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected. Specific security measures are followed to prevent loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Period of retention

The data are processed and stored for the time required by the purposes for which they were collected. Therefore:

- Personal data (including photographs or videos) collected for purposes related to the execution of a contract between the Owner and the User will be stored until the complete fulfillment of such a contract and also subsequently for legal obligation or to protect or enforce or defend in court a right of the owner.
- When processing is based on the User's consent, the Data Controller may store personal data for longer until such consent is revoked. In addition, you may be required to retain Personal Information for a longer period of time by law or by order of an authority.
- At the end of the retention period personal data will be deleted. Therefore, at the end of this term, the right of access, cancellation, rectification and the right to portability of data can no longer be exercised.

Rights of data subjects

The subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right at any time to obtain confirmation from the owner of the existence or otherwise of a treatment that concerns them, to request access to personal data, to verify its accuracy or request its rectification, limitation, portability, to oppose the treatment (EU Regulation 679/2016).

Requests should be addressed to the address of the company headquarters, or also by writing to

Place of data processing

The processing connected to the web services of this site takes place mainly at the headquarters of the owner, as well as in any other place where the parties involved in the processing are located.

Typology of data processed

Information Automatically Collected

The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the communication protocols of the Internet.

This information is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to identify the computers used by users who connect to the site, addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) of requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and IT environment.

When you visit the site, the following information is automatically collected:

1. User's Hostname. The hostname or Internet Protocol address of the user requesting access to the site.
2. HTTP header, and the string "user agent" that includes: the type and version of browser used and the operating system with which the browser itself works.
3. System date. The date and time of your visit.
4. Complete request. The exact request made by the user.
5. Content lenght. The size, in bytes, of each document sent to the user.
6. Method. The request mode used.
7. Universal Resource Identifier (URI). The location of resources in the server.
8. The URI Request string, which is everything that is found after the question mark in the URI.
9. Type of device used to visit the site.
10. Protocol. The transmission protocol and the version used.

The information automatically collected by Azienda di Promozione e Sviluppo Turistico srl through access to the website is used to improve the quality of the service offered to users of the site. This information is collected for the purpose of carrying out statistical surveys (anonymous), to determine which data / content are more or less useful / interesting for users and thus improve the effectiveness of the material available on the site.

Data provided voluntarily by the user

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mail messages to the addresses indicated on this site involves the subsequent acquisition of the sender's address, necessary to respond to requests, and any other personal data included in the message.

Apart from what specified for the information collected automatically, the user is free to provide personal data contained in the request forms. Some information is indicated as mandatory, as it is necessary to meet the requests expressed. Failure to provide them may make it impossible to obtain the information requested.

For the direct collection of such data, the visitor will release his or her personal data and consent to the processing of individual services and/or performances requested from Azienda di Promozione e Sviluppo Turistico srl, such as: registration on the website or in reserved areas, information requests, course and event subscriptions, newsletters or mailing lists. The consent given may be revoked at any time.

Specific information will be progressively reported or displayed on the pages of the site prepared for particular services on request.


The Controller uses cookies to enable secure and efficient browsing of the Site and for interacting with the Social Network.
For more information about cookies and their use on the Site, you may refer to the Policy cookie page as an integral part of this policy.

Social buttons and widgets
The Site may also have social buttons/widgets. These are particularly the social networking icons, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Google+, which allow the Users to reach - through a “click” on the icon – the relative social networks. With the support of these tools the User can, for example, authenticate to his/her social account, share content, or recommend the products of the Site in social networks.
Following the click on social buttons/widgets, the social network could collect the User's visit data on the Site. As stated in the premises, this privacy policy does not inhale User's data handling by the social network for which the User shall only refer to the privacy policy provided by the social network.

Except the cases in which the User spontaneously shares his/her navigation data with the social networks selected by clicking on social button/widgets, the Controller does not disseminate or disclose by transmission any personal information of the User with the social network.