
(String: <span id="hs_cos_wrapper_post_body" class="hs_cos_wrapper hs_cos_wrapper_meta_field hs_cos_wrapper_type_rich_text" style="" data-hs-cos-general-type="meta_field" data-hs-cos-type="rich_text" ><p><!--more--></p> <p>The Livigno stage of <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">La Milanesiana</span>, the itinerant festival conceived and directed by <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Elisabetta Sgarbi</span>, now in its <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">25th edition</span>, ended yesterday. With the participation of renowned artists and professionals of international calibre, it proposes meetings and debates on various topics - such as literature, music, cinema, science, art, philosophy, theatre, law, economics, sport and comics - around Italy.<br><!--more--></p> <p>For the <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">third year in a row</span>, this event - among the most interesting and most important artistic and cultural events on a national and international level - chose <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Little Tibet</span> as its stage: a further demonstration on a national level of how culture and mountain destinations can create an unexceptionable combination for all those who want to spend a few days in immaculate places - such as Livigno, an excellence in the Valtellina valley and a lifestyle destination appreciated by tourists from all over the world - participating in enriching intellectual encounters.<br>Throughout the weekend, Livigno came alive with <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">high-level cultural events</span> - such as shows, exhibitions and unprecedented concerts - organised <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">in collaboration with the Municipality of Livigno.</span><br><br>On the same days, there were also <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">two important inaugurations for the resort, attended by the Mayor of Livigno Remo Galli and</span> the patroness <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Elisabetta Sgarbi</span>, who received a precious lantern, symbol of intellect, as a gift from <span style="font-family: Livigno, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: bold;">Sharon Zini, Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Livigno</span>, who was also present at all the events.</p>{{ include_custom_fonts({"Livigno":["Regular","Medium","Light","Bold Italic","Bold","Black","Thin","Medium Italic"]}) }}</span>)

The Livigno stage of La Milanesiana, the itinerant festival conceived and directed by Elisabetta Sgarbi, now in its 25th edition, ended yesterday. With the participation of renowned artists and professionals of international calibre, it proposes meetings and debates on various topics - such as literature, music, cinema, science, art, philosophy, theatre, law, economics, sport and comics - around Italy.

For the third year in a row, this event - among the most interesting and most important artistic and cultural events on a national and international level - chose Little Tibet as its stage: a further demonstration on a national level of how culture and mountain destinations can create an unexceptionable combination for all those who want to spend a few days in immaculate places - such as Livigno, an excellence in the Valtellina valley and a lifestyle destination appreciated by tourists from all over the world - participating in enriching intellectual encounters.
Throughout the weekend, Livigno came alive with high-level cultural events - such as shows, exhibitions and unprecedented concerts - organised in collaboration with the Municipality of Livigno.

On the same days, there were also two important inaugurations for the resort, attended by the Mayor of Livigno Remo Galli and the patroness Elisabetta Sgarbi, who received a precious lantern, symbol of intellect, as a gift from Sharon Zini, Councillor for Culture of the Municipality of Livigno, who was also present at all the events.

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