We take care of our snow
So Livigno does not give up its role as a winter resort even in summer, trying to transfer the passion and love for snow-related sports to its guests. The snow stored from the winter, about 45000 m3, is used on two occasions.
1k Shot e Gara da li Contrada
In August, for the event 1k Shot e Gara da li Contrada, where the center of the village is transformed into a cross-country ski track, on which a real race takes part, first between athletes, then between amateurs, and involves the use of about 3000 m3 of snow.
Cross-country ski ring
In addition to this, snow conservation gives us the opportunity to be up and running with the cross-country ski ring from October, offering professional teams the chance to do their autumn training on high ground in Little Tibet.

How is this possible?
The snow that is used to set up the course is stored in winter in the central plain of the village and covered first with sheets of sawdust, to insulate it thermally, and then with a geo-textile sheet to reflect the sun's rays. This is all called "snowfarm", which is the way of storing snow from the winter season during the summer to make it usable when needed.
Once the cover is removed, the mass of snow is worked with snowcats, brought to the center and beaten with the traditional track mark for the holding of the 1K Shot and Gara Da Li Contrada!